Honda/Acura DTC Code Definitions

1 March 2016
Honda/Acura DTC Code Definitions
P1009 | Camshaft position (CMP), timing over advanced/system... |
11 minutes read
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P1009 | Camshaft position (CMP), timing over advanced/system... |
P1020 | Variable valve timing control | performance problem |
P1000 | OBD II Monitor/Readiness Testing Incomplete |
P1001 | KOER Test Cannot Be Completed |
P1039 |
P1000 | Transmission shift lever control module | defective |
... |
P0001 | Fuel Volume Regulator Control Circuit/Open |
P0002 | Fuel Volume Regulator Control Circuit... |
P1010 | Oil control valve/variable valve lift | Left bank |
... |
P1000 | OBD-ll monitor testing not complete |
P1001 | Data link... |
P1041 | VVT control module/ bank 1 | EEPRO Memory |
P1042 | VVT control module/ bank 1 | RAM error |
... |
P1103 | Turbocharger Wastegate Actuator Fault |
P1104 | Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid Fault/TRD... |
P1118 | Radiator outiet engine coolant temperature (ECT) | ... |